Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Halfway Point: End of Week 12

Oh, the memories! From Ostyn's 'Ahh Shit!' to that chicken with pink gumboots, we've been through 12 weeks of this course already. Does anyone even remember the first week? It's been 3 months since we started!

Everyone should be proud of themselves. I had no idea going into this that it would be as demanding as it is, and sticking with it shows perseverance and determination.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow, and for everyone's effort, here is a chicken wearing pink gumboots.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Homework: Bonus 'Helllllllll yeah!' Edition

We all know we have those magnetism worksheets and that code stuff to do tonight. Pages 72-75 and page 25, but did you know...

That there will be no safety on the midterm.

No Safety.

No Safety.

No Safety.


Ran into Norm after study group and he slipped me the info. Thought I'd pass that along to the 5 of you that actually read this blog.

Also, I may have been wrong about the voltage drops in the 3-wire diagrams with a break on a live line. We'll ask Norm.


Thursday, 15 November 2012


Post it here, anything and everything YOU yourself needs help on. Once we find out the problem areas and the things people need help on, we can find the best way to study them for everyone's benefit.

A couple of things though:

1) Please be specific. Don't say, "Everything LOLZ!!1!" and expect people to help. It helps if everyone knows exactly what we need. The more specifics we have, the better we can organize our time. List anything, but please be specific.

2) We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. This isn't just about eating the right words and numbers and shitting out the right answers, it's a team-building exercise too. We can all help each other.

3) The only stupid questions are the ones that aren't asked. Please don't be embarrassed that you don't remember how to convert CMA to SMA and what not, because you're too proud. Refer to #2. We're all in this together.

I'm going to start and say that I'm not too good with reading the word questions properly. So I'd like to do some word questions during our study block.

See? Not that difficult. Now you try!!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

That wasn't so bad...

That test wasn't too terrible! It's the MIDTERM that's going to kill all of us.

Just wanted to say that everyone is doing an awesome job in the shop. Lots of good safety techniques and excellent awareness, PLUS everyone is working really hard and getting things done right. Norm said it was a 'treat' teaching our class, and me, being modest, would have to agree.

Next week's midterm is not going to be like a unicorn ride into space with Mr. T and an unlimited supply of the world's best tasting beer. It is not going to be like rolling around on a bed naked with millions of dollars while you watch the world's finest mariachi band fight Kiss on a TV made of diamonds and AK-47s.

If Norm has taught us one thing, it's that he loves to play with the english language in our tests and make us hate ourselves for mis-reading the questions. He also enjoys long walks on the beach, and bathing in the salty tears of his students and cackling maniacally when they realize they in fact read 'underground' instead of 'ungrounded.'

But I digress...

We've done all this before! We know how to study, we know how to kick ass and we know how to take names! What's stopping you from passing this test? It's just all those crappy little beige booklets, a bit of AELC, some of the CEC, D1, D2, B1, B2, B3... I could go on and it could get painful, but I've set myself up a sexy little strategy that should work. I'm gonna break it down into once-a-night manageable study blocks, worked around my work schedule. I suggest everyone tries the same thing, because this is a good chunk of our mark.

And just remember...

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Homework: November 7


So much code! Remember to finish Section 6 in your AELC book, and that one question in section 8!

Also!! Study study stuuuuuuuudy for next week. This 3-wire exam coming up next week is going to make last week's exam look like a cake walk benefit for really cute bunnies.

Monday, 5 November 2012

November 5, Homework

Not much today, just finish that 3 wire diagram worksheet Norm handed out; show it as a schematic diagram with current values and direction of flow.

Also, we have to start on the CEC Section 6 worksheets in our AELC book, but it's not due until Thursday, which gives us ample time to drink beer and study for impending failure! (Kidding..)

Well, now that you know my plans for the evening, go forth and make Norm proud!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Homework: End of Week 9!

Hey everyone! Almost halfway there! OHHH OH! LIVING ON A PRAYER!!

But I digress...

Congratulations to everyone for sticking it out and making it this far! It can be difficult at times and I hope everyone knows that it's going to be worth it in the end!!

Norm wanted us to complete D2 LT/ST 14, and if you haven't finished yet, the AELC 53-60.

Also, we have that problem in the shop with the two 3-way switches! Hope everyone draws some wiring diagrams!

Have a good weekend!